Sunday, May 5, 2024

New Photos of Russian Imperial Couple with Baby Alexander Unveiled!

The Russian Imperial House has recently released a series of heartwarming photos capturing the tender moments of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia, Princess Victoria Romanovna Romanoff, and their newborn son, Prince Alexander Georgievich Romanoff. These intimate images, taken by Konstantin Gribov, a photographer for the Russian Imperial Chancellery, showcase the loving bond between the young family, who are basking in the joy of their new addition. The photos, taken on the tenth day of Prince Alexander's life, reveal the little prince's adorable expressions and the loving gaze of his parents. The family's choice to name their son after Saint Alexander Nevsky is a testament to their deep connection with their heritage. The images also highlight the family's strong sense of tradition, with a portrait of Alexander's great-grandfather Grand Duke Vladimir hanging on the wall, watching over his family with a sense of pride and protection1.


The happy parents with their son! Photo (c) Russian Imperial Chancellery / Konstantin Gribov.

The Russian Imperial House has released many new photos of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia, Princess Victoria Romanovna Romanoff, and little Prince Alexander Georgievich Romanoff.

Enchanted parents. Photo (c) Russian Imperial Chancellery / Konstantin Gribov.

The pictures were taken on the tenth day of Prince Alexander's life. The prince was born at Moscow Central Clinical Hospital on 21 October 2022. He is the first Romanoff to be born in the Russia in over a century, since the time of the Russian Empire, in fact.

Princess Victoria with her son Prince Alexander. Photo (c) Russian Imperial Chancellery / Konstantin Gribov.

Konstantin Gribov, a photographer for the Russian Imperial Chancellery, captured the sweet images of the family at their home in Moscow.

A well-deserved yawn - it is tough being a baby! - from the little prince. Photo (c) Russian Imperial Chancellery / Konstantin Gribov.

Grand Duke George and Princess Victoria chose to name their son in honour of Saint Alexander Nevsky.

Photo (c) Russian Imperial Chancellery / Konstantin Gribov.
Prince Alexander is the first grandchild of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, the Head of the Russian Imperial House. The proud grandmother was the person who announced his birth to the world.

Home at last. A portrait of Alexander's great-grandfather Grand Duke Vladimir hangs on the wall, looking over his family. Photo (c) Russian Imperial Chancellery / Konstantin Gribov.

The parents of Princess Victoria, Ambassador Roberto Bettarini and Mrs Carla Cacciatore Bettarini, are currently visiting the new parents and their first grandchild.
This post only contains the images that were kindly shared with me by the prince's parents. For more pictures from the photoshoot, please visit these links:
May God Bless Prince Alexander!

As we conclude our journey through the heartwarming photos of the Russian Imperial couple with their newborn son, Prince Alexander, we are reminded of the enduring power of tradition and family. The choice of naming their son after Saint Alexander Nevsky is a testament to the family's strong connection with their heritage, and the portrait of Alexander's great-grandfather Grand Duke Vladimir hanging on the wall serves as a constant reminder of their rich history. These intimate moments, captured by Konstantin Gribov, offer a glimpse into the private life of the Russian Imperial House, showcasing the love and devotion of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia, Princess Victoria Romanovna Romanoff, and their little prince.

As we bid farewell to this delightful article, we are left with a sense of joy and appreciation for the beauty of family and tradition. The Russian Imperial House's decision to share these precious moments with the world is a wonderful gesture, allowing us to connect with the family on a deeper level. We are grateful for the opportunity to share these new photos of the Russian Imperial couple with their son Alexander, and we hope that they bring a smile to your face. May the love and warmth of this young family continue to inspire and delight us all, and may their story serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.

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